Comparing and Ordering Numbers - Interactive Practice


Welcome to our interactive lesson on comparing and ordering numbers! We use the symbols < (less than), > (greater than), and = (equal to) to compare numbers. For example:


When comparing numbers, we look at their value to determine which is greater or lesser. Here are some tips:

For example, when comparing 23 and 45:

  1. Both numbers have two digits, so we compare them from left to right.
  2. The first digit of 23 (2) is less than the first digit of 45 (4).
  3. Therefore, 23 < 45.

Worked Examples

Example 1: Compare 15 and 51

Solution: 15 < 51 (15 is less than 51 because 1 < 5 in the tens place)

Example 2: Compare 72 and 27

Solution: 72 > 27 (72 is greater than 27 because 7 > 2 in the tens place)

Example 3: Compare 40 and 40

Solution: 40 = 40 (40 is equal to 40 because all digits are the same)

Example 4: Compare 99 and 100

Solution: 99 < 100 (99 is less than 100 because 100 has more digits)

Practice Exercises